Saturday, June 02, 2007


I got an email recently from one of Shelby's grandmothers saying that Shelby needs to smile more in her pictures. Being that this grandmother is on Shelby's Daddy's side of the family, I decided to show it to him.

His response: She's a good one to talk about smiling in pictures!

Shelby smiles, A LOT! Not always for the camera, but when a dog does something that she finds funny, when she sees something on tv that interests her and when she sees her Daddy. And to be honest, when you look at pictures of Shelby's Daddy and his mother, they don't smile. I try, but my face is crooked, so sometimes my smile looks a little off or like I am wincing. And when you think about it, smiling on cue is usually very fake anyhow. So, I didn't take this personally. The best smiles are live in person anyhow.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Shelby belly laughs whe Gigi serbitz her.