Monday, May 29, 2006


I fell asleep last night while resting because I had a headache and my stomach was a little upset. Now I am wide awake. Luckily, the rest of the house is now sleeping somewhat soundly. No one is begging to be fed. No one is asking me how to do his homework (did I mention the only child I have is yet to be born, yet I am still being asked this question?).

It's a good thing tomorrow is a holiday, I don't know how I would make it through otherwise on this little bit of sleep!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

An Exercise

Today we replaced the light fixture in the nursery and added a ceiling fan. This was done with minimal profanity from Jeff (who was putting the whole thing together, my job was to read instructions) and it worked the first time. This was an exercise in teamwork. We each had our assigned duties and we had to refrain from criticizing each other. Hopefully it will translate into parenting.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Name Game

We are still processing baby names in our house. Still. The baby is due in July and May is almost over. Being that we don't know the sex of our baby, we are are loathe to pick a name and settle on it now. Plus I don't like the idea of calling a baby Jack or Jill. I prefer "the baby."

This has caused as much controversy in our family as not finding out the sex of our baby. Everyone wants to know names. There is only one rule I have learned which is do not reveal a name if you have selected one until it is on the birth certificate. My regular practitioner advised this (not my ob) and so did a few books.

But here is my thing, I haven't met this little person face to face yet, so I can't name him or her at this point. We still have a long list and if we can wait this long, so can the rest of the family!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Babies Are Special People

This is a friend's son at about six weeks old, he's almost five months now.

Babies are so small and tiny and dependent. They are really very special people.

This morning while I was at the doctor's for a check-up the baby was in the middle of some kind of workout while his or her heartbeat was being monitored.

The baby seems to sense when things are not going right in Mama and Daddy's world as well. My husband has been going through some trying times lately and my heart aches for him. The baby has picked up on this and enjoys entertaining us with all kinds of movement and hiccups when things get particularly stressful.

And when I seem to get a little too involved in something, there is always a big stretch or kick to remind me of where my priorities need to be.

While babies need their parents, I've come to discover we need them too. A lot.