Friday, June 30, 2006

A Little Girl Has So Many Options

Here is my good friend Gina's daughter Jayla, this picture was titled "my first hair-do." Little girls have such an array of cute clothing options and hair options, I can really see where having a little girl would be really fun in that way.

What are little girls made of, made of
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice,
that's what little girls are made of....

Then there is the picture below of my friend Holly's son Will on his way to the beach in his bouncy seat. Boys do fun things too like play in the mud and bring mama and daddy home surprises in their pockets.

What are little boys made of, made of
What are little boys made of?
Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails,
that's what little boys are made of...

So, I really don't have a preference when people ask do I want a boy or a girl. I want a healthy baby. I can't wait to meet our son or daughter and find out what kind of personality he or she has!

It's all Starting to Come Together

Well, it finally is all starting to come together a little. I am filing disability claims. I am busy with packing my bags for my hospital stay which is one week from today. I am trying to keep up with all those last minute details. Here's a wonderful thing, my insurance covers 100% of my hospital costs. That makes me feel a lot better. But money is still on my mind, I guess because I've had bad experiences with disability payments in the past. So, I just keep on praying that everything will go well. I'm trying not to listen to people who tell me, oh, you know all the disability payments will be delayed. They aren't helping me at all. I'm just trying to think of all the love for our new baby and ignore the fact that I can't be sure of what the future holds! I guess in that way, it will all come together. Faith and trust in God no matter what happens.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Boys

Charlie and Gilligan are enjoying me being home in the final days of pregnancy. The puppies enjoy going outside at their leisure. They like that someone can play with them every once in a while. I just hope that they don't get too used to me being around with the baby coming so soon, once the baby is here, I am afraid that they won't understand why I am not playing with them so much!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rain, Rain, Don't Go Away, Just Slow Down

While we aren't getting so much rain as our neighbors to the North in VA, DC and MD, we are getting our fair share. We haven't had any flooding, but what worries me about so much rain is that as we are in the throes of hurricane season, if a storm comes our way, the earth is saturated and the loss of trees and the ease of flooding could be dramatic.
I love the rain, so I don't want it to go away. I just want it to be a little more spread out. Believe me, our garden is benefitting from the rain AND so is our water bill, but slow down, at least a little!

Almost Done

I just about a week and a half, the baby will be here. July 7 is the scheduled c-section. My belly button has popped out so, that must mean we are done. The other night, my husband was saying that the baby's room was done, all it needs now is a baby. So, we are in countdown mode now. Hopefully, I will have an early morning delivery so that I can eat afterwards! Tomorrow is my pre-op appointment and we will find out for sure then!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

An Old Post from a previous Blog

I posted this October 19 of last year. In that time, pregnancy has given me a lot of crosses to bear. And I am back to bathing in DEEP WOODS OFF!

Mosquito Magnet
I am sitting here bathing in what one might think was my favorite scent. Alas, no, Eau de Deep Woods Off, is hardly my favorite scent, but one I often wear. It is late October now, Halloween is less than two weeks away, and I am still getting bitten.Within the last year, scientists have confirmed what I personally have known all of my 26 years. Some people emit fermones that attract mosquitos to them. I am one of the lucky ones with these fermones. It has never ceased to amaze Jeff that as we will be out somewhere how little time it takes for me to get so many bites while he stays itch free. I share this problem with Jeff's step-mother and half-brother and we are fond of sharing our various remedies. I personally choose Deep Woods Off or Skin So Soft. And my choices for itch relief are a benadryl gel or Sarna.

I was tired last night and took every oppurtunity to complain to Jeff about getting eaten alive while in my own home. It would be easy to blame Jeff for leaving open the sliding glass door for the dogs to come in and out in the mornings. It would be easy to blame the dogs for the extra times they cause our doors to be opened and closed. It would be super easy to blame God for creating the mosquitos and their attraction to me. But, I can't.I have come to the fact that mosquito bites, itchy and the pain that they are, are one of the small crosses God has blessed me with. If I can't handle these minor irritations, how will I handle it when God throws me something really difficult? I am attempting to try and kiss my crosses and accept them as part of God's plan. I fail more often than I succeed. But I keep getting up and trying again.

Yes, I am a mosquito magnet, you can rent me to come to your barbecue and deflect the biters from your guests, I'm that effective. And that's okay, because God has made me one because He knows I can bear it.

Standing Up For What's Right

Check out this link. This young boy, Lucas Brown, probably didn't make a dramatic difference in the history of the world, but he knew that someone made a mistake and didn't let the fact that he was young stand in the way of getting it corrected.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Pin Cushion

I test my blood sugar 4x a day. I have to give myself shots 2x a day. I hate needles. I used to have to give myself shots in my stomach. Now I have to do it in my legs. Did I mention I hate needles?

It is nothing short of amazing what we will do for our babies. I have turned myself into a human pin cushion for this one. And I'd do it all again (and probably will in another year or two).

I used to think that people who knew me would never suspect I could do these things. Now I realize that people who really know me, knew I'd make the sacrifice for the baby.

And maybe it's not so amazing that I would be able to withstand needles. I am a mosquito's favorite treat and have learned how not to scratch the bites. I camped in tents with my family and had no problem peeing in the woods (and I know which leaves are poison ivy). I guess I'm a little tougher than I expected. We'll see if birthing this baby proves it.