Friday, August 04, 2006

An Update

My mom felt like I was too harsh on Mel Gibson.

So, here is an addendum. I do believe in forgiveness. Not forgetting (just think about if we forgave those that crucified Jesus and then forgot about the action!) but forgiving. I also believe that we all make mistakes and we should be responsible for our mistakes because that is part of learning from them. I also believe we should pray for one another especially those that have made grievous errors in life.

Have I forgiven Mel, yes, Jesus calls me to do that. Did he learn from this mistake? I surely hope so. Only time will tell.

One point that I hope I made in the last post and still make here is that when you put so much of yourself into a project you also assume responsibility for that. When Mel Gibson made The Passion of the Christ he brought the word of God to many who may not have been exposed to it. Part of Christ's passion is John 13:34-35. In fact, that passage comes right before Jesus tells Peter that Peter will deny him three times. Mel needs to remember that with the privilege to tell this story comes an awesome responsibility. That is to live its message.

God Bless You Mel, I hope something like this never happens again.

And God Bless You for reading this and hopefully learning something from it!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

No I Don't

feel sorry for Mel Gibson. See, here's the thing, he was doing something illegal, driving drunk. And any of us who did that would show up in the police blotter, so why shouldn't he. Arrest records are public records, so his should be too. The fact that he made anti-semitic remarks is atrocious and I don't think he should hide behind the alcohol because as most of us know, alcochol has another name: truth serum. Mel is a fundamentalist, a Catholic one, but a fundamentalist none the less. Catholics persecuted the Jewish people as a part of the Spanish Inquisition and at other times in other places. Hey, I'm Catholic too, it's not a proud part of our past, but one we have to acknowledge to make sure we don't repeat it. Now, I'm not saying that Mel is a bigot because he is a fundamentalist, but fundamentalists tend to be able to get their message across because they live a life so dedicated to only one way of celebrating their faith (for another example, we can look to my buddy Tom Cruise). I don't feel like the media is picking on poor Mel Gibson at all. When you make a movie called "The Passion of the Christ" you are making a statement that you believe what Christ believed in. I'd like to remind Mr Gibson of one of Christ's most famous beliefs, "I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35