Saturday, September 29, 2007


On September 21, 2007, we welcomed our newest family member, Joseph Patrick. Baby Joey weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 19 3/4 inches long. He is a little angel bringing love and joy to our whole family.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Don't Stop Believing

That was the song that was chosen to close out the Sopranos final season.

It's a great song.

I think it fits well with our mentality in this home about the Cleveland Browns. And in my parents house for my dad about the Oakland Raiders, who, incidentally, are playing the Browns this Sunday. Oh, the humanity! My father will be in town to see the baby with my mom and they will be the primary care-takers for Shelby. I don't know if the game will be on or not, and I don't know if I should want it to be on or not. Oh well. Good thing I don't have to make those decisions!

In other news, our AC is fixed. It was a simple solution and only cost us labor.

And speaking of labor....

Not to be gross, but my mucus plug is slowly making it's way out. I guess this is a good sign, although the doctor told me it is actually NOT a good predictor of labor or how soon a baby will be coming. And I really don't want to go into labor again and would prefer the baby come on Friday when I know my parent will be here. So I'm glad it's not a good predictor.

Please pray for little Shelby who, with this sudden change in weather, has come down with a nasty cold. She has been in good spirits and has been relatively tolerant of having her nose wiped. Now we just have to sneak her in to see her brother all weekend with no one finding out she might be feeling less than perky.

And please pray for our dog Gilligan who has been showing some age-related signs of stiffness and joint pain. He has been hesitant to jump up on furniture or the bed (you'd think I'd be rejoicing) because of some, what seem to be mild, pains. Hopefully a visit from his "uncle" Cabo will help him feel like a puppy again.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

This says it ALL

Browns: 51

Bengals: 45


Our best wishes to Charlie Frye as he moves onto Seattle. Thank you for your service to the Browns.

One of "those" weeks

Do you ever just feel like you're going along and minding your own business and things are going reasonably well, just for, boom, something major to happen?

No, the baby isn't here yet.

Our AC died.


And it could be a lot worse, we are finally starting to see some of that fall weather I was pining for, so it's been okay to be indoors. With the windows open, of course.

Just couldn't think of a weirder time for it to happen....

Friday, September 14, 2007

Wishing For Fall

I wish we could hurry up and see some leaves changing and cooler temps. We are half-way through September and it is still 90 degrees most days!

Being this pregnant, I can't take any walks outside or keep Shelby out very long either. I am keeping my fingers crossed that, just like after Shelby's birth, there will be a snap of mild weather in the area. One more week!

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Heart Rate is Back to Normal

The Browns lost in a stunning season opener yesterday guessed it, the Steelers. 34-7. At least it wasn't a shut out. We went through 2 quarterbacks. And we had a lot of interceptions. But our family is looking on the bright side: we actually got to see the game! Being that we are way out of market, we expected not to get to see the game, and it said in the paper we wouldn't. But, we also get a second CBS affiliate out of Myrtle Beach, so sometimes, if you just wish hard enough, you might get a surprise!

And, the week was not a total loss... Rutgers got their second victory of the season!!!! The Scarlet Knights are on their way to showing there is a reason the first college football game was theirs!

And our Badgers out in Wisconsin won as well and are ranked a very respectable #7 still.

So, we continue to cheer our teams through good, bad and indifferent. Hope your team did well this week!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

From Today's Communion Antiphon

"O Lord, how great is the depth of the kindness which you have shown to those who love you."
~Psalm 30:20