Sunday, July 29, 2007

You have to promise not to tell....

but this Wednesday, for his 45th birthday, Jeff is getting this. This is a surprise for him, he asked for some 80's compilation cds, which he got 3 because they were reasonably priced (read: under $10 each) and they aren't the greatest collections (but they were the only 3 we found between Wal-Mart and Target). There is another surprise as well. Click here only if you are allowed to watch rated R movies. He saw the edited version on tv and laughed so hard, I had to get him the real thing when it was ridiculously low priced at Target!

He and Shelby have a beach date that day as well, which I probably won't be able to join because by the time I get off work, there will most likely be thunderstorms, so they will go earlier.

But the look on his face when he sees those surprises will be worth it!

We love you Daddy!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Jewels We Spew

Overheard at work:

Co-worker: There should be a law against being ignorant.

Supervisor: But our jails aren't equipt to hold that many people!

Me (amongst laughter of several other co-workers): And think of how astronomical our taxes would be paying for all of those people to be housed and eat!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Love At First Sight

One year ago, this chubby cheeked little girl came into our lives. And we have been madly in love ever since.

Happy First Birthday Shelby Clare!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Born of the 4th of July....

Everyone wanted Shelby to be born July 4th. How fun it would be to have a baby with a holiday birthday people thought.

It wasn't going to happen. It just couldn't happen. We could not allow it to happen.

Here's why:
Jeff worked at Bald Head Island. The only way on or off the island is by ferry once an hour. Then there would be a 40 minute drive (not counting horrible traffic for the holiday through Southport, home of the NC 4th of July festival) to our home then another 20 or so minutes to the hospital. If I spontaneously went into labor, I was calling 911.

Then there was the issue of Shelby being breech. Little did we know at the time but my previous uterine surgery would cause me to dilate fast and go immediately into active labor. When my water did break, I started contractions immediately that were three minutes long and two minutes apart. This is when they have you start practice pushing sometimes. In the hour and 1/2 that it took after my water broke to having her out, I was almost completely dilated on my own. Thank God my doctor didn't have to battle holiday traffic to do a c-section.

This was so not an option. So thank God my water broke at 11 pm on July 5 when Jeff was home and their was no traffic.

No, Shelby wasn't born on the 4th of July, but it was just as good!